DMA Awards 2017 – Best Customer Acquisition

Lead strategist for this gold award-winning work, Group Planning Director Will Davis, provides some insight into creating and executing a successful customer acquisition strategy.


We know from our own behaviours just how complex the journey to a sale or donation has become. There are more and more touchpoints behind every recorded action and all media channels play a part in the journey. We need to understand the true drivers of acquisition so we can influence the desired outcomes. There are multiple ways of unpicking this puzzle, use the relevant techniques to give yourself the clarity to create the optimal acquisition strategy.


For all the effort you put in to building the perfect acquisition strategy, spend as much time working collaboratively with the stakeholders who have a part to play in executing it, no matter how small that part may be. Get buy in early, take on board different needs and priorities, and work as one to ensure the plan can be put in to practice on the agreed time frames. A strong client / agency partnership is integral to success.


Be prepared to make significant changes to your plan as the campaign unfolds. Make sure you’re on top of your performance data. Brief your stakeholders on the type of in-flight tweaking that may be required and keep them up to speed on what’s working and what isn’t. As clear trends develop seize the opportunity to optimise the campaign. Incremental changes all add up to the overall success. An agile approach is often the difference between hitting the target and beating it.

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