Our Account Director, Imogen


I previously worked at a much larger agency, working with luxury fashion brands as their PPC lead. PPC, for those who may not know, is Pay-Per-Click, this is when you see an ad at the top of a Google search, it has usually been set up by someone like me. Coming from this background to Medialab has been so nice, it’s quite easy to become a cog in the machine at larger companies, here it feels very open and you’re a valued part of the team, which is a welcomed change of pace.


If I’m working from home I’ll head to Reformer Pilates, and get some movement in, but today is in an in-office day so I’ll watch the news and grab some breakfast. I always have to get a coffee on my way into the office; there are two places that I always head to, either Kiss the Hippo or Joe and the Juice, which is surprisingly good for coffee. Always a flat white, I am a bit of a coffee snob, but I’m Australian so it comes with the territory.


I start my morning with a meeting about an important re-brand going live tomorrow for one of our clients. I chip in on all things PPC, I want to ensure that the ad people will see is aligned with the information they’ll click through to. This is an important pillar of PPC, the keywords we use in our ads to attract visitors need to be echoed in the copy on our client’s webpage; everyone needs to be singing the same tune. Because this is a rebrand, we just need to change the copy and the images to reflect their new positioning. After this, I actioned the notes from the meeting, which took up most of my morning.


As it is International Women’s Day (IWD), we all headed down to the boardroom for a Together We Stand session. Together We Stand is an internal initiative aimed at creating an open and inclusive space, this is actually my first official one since I joined in late January, but I know they’ve done sessions in the past on Pride, menopause, mental health and so on. This year’s IWD theme was Embracing Equity and so the discussion concentrated on workplace equity and mentorship. It was really interesting and quite refreshing to hear such open conversations around the topic, from people across all levels of the company and especially the Board, like the CEO and MD. I’ve come from agencies that are much larger and I don’t think this would even be on their radar to be honest, so that was really nice to see everyone getting stuck in.

After this, I’ll head out and pick up some lunch with the team, I think Pret is on the menu today because it’s close to the office and it’s freezing outside.


This afternoon I worked on a media plan, which involved pulling together spend for the next three months for PPC. This is based on historical data from CPC (cost-per-click) and click-through rates, which determines how much you need to spend to get the sales your clients want to forecast. This is a large bulk of my afternoon. Then I have a client meeting at 4pm, we’ll be going through some events they’re running, such as the upcoming London Marathon, no pun intended, as well as a bunch of virtual activities to get involved in. So, I’ll be working on the paid social/PPC side of things to drive traffic toward those activities.

Then I have my catch-up with my manager, this is usually a walk and a coffee which is welcomed by this point in the afternoon, but it’s snowing today so we’ve put that on pause and caught up in one of the meeting rooms instead. We’ll cover what I’m currently working on, how I’m doing and if I need any support on any of my tasks.


After I’ve gradually made my way through my to-do list, I’ll sign off for the day and head off to dinner or drinks with friends. Got to utilise those in-office days by heading around London. When I decide to head back home, if it wasn’t snowing, I’d usually ask my boyfriend to pick me up on his Vespa. It was a lockdown purchase, but it’s actually come in very handy.


Ooh tough one, I think being a visual merchandiser for a shop could be the move, to be honest. For a luxury shop, like Harrods, that could be fun.

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