Medialab July Trends Tracker

What will we think when we look back on July? Will it herald the end of life with COVID-19, or the start of a new period of instability? Government support for the CJRS begins to unwind this month, with many hundreds of thousands still on furlough. The government will lift all lockdown restrictions on 19th […]
Medialab win at the Performance Marketing Awards

We are incredibly proud to announce that Medialab have won the Best Data-Led Campaign category with Guide Dogs, and were finalists in the Most Effective Agency category at this year’s Performance Marketing Awards. These awards are reflective of Medialab’s commitment to delivering transformative results for our client. Commenting on the Best-Led Campaign win, the […]
Medialab Grow Their Digital & Data Team

After a strong year for Medialab, and having been the fastest growing company for a second year running in the Campaign School Report of the top 50 businesses ranked by media billings, Medialab have appointed two new roles as they invest in their digital and data offering. Moving from his previous role within the company […]
Medialab May Trends Tracker

Welcome to Medialab’s May Trends Tracker. Notwithstanding the threat of variant B.1.617.2, it feels good to take a tentative step towards recovery. The vaccine programme is working, the government’s four tests for Step 3 easing of restrictions have been met and, as of Monday, bars, museums, and cinemas can re-open for indoor business. With each […]
Medialab April Trends Tracker

A year ago, we were encouraged to Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, and Save Lives, as the country went into its first full lockdown. It is doubtful that any of us thought we would be marking the anniversary of that moment in another lockdown. But here we are and thank goodness it is easing. […]
British Red Cross’ New Campaign Tackles Vaccine Hesitancy

The nationwide campaign ‘Encouraging kind, informed conversations that will save lives’, has been designed to tackle vaccine hesitancy. The message is clear; by taking the vaccine, you are not only protecting yourself but also saving the lives of your loved ones. Having informed conversations about the vaccine is a kind thing to do, that saves lives. New […]
Medialab COVID Tracker: January

The nation went into Christmas with a glimmer of clarity. Vaccines were being rolled out. A new administration was entering the White House. Brexit was, finally, resolved. However, after a wet and cold January the challenges of 2020 returned with a vengeance. Growing levels of COVID-19 cases, further lockdown, closed schools, and a very tough […]
Medialab Christmas COVID Tracker

Welcome to Medialab’s last coronavirus crisis tracker of the year. And what a year it has been. 2020 leaves us with many challenges: organisationally, for our teams, and in understanding the impact of this extraordinary crisis on our customers and supporters. However, it also leaves us with much to be optimistic about: how far we […]
Monese partners with Medialab

Monese, the European mobile banking service, has appointed Medialab to support the company in launching its first TV campaign this November. Monese is a mobile app alternative to banks, with an account that can be opened quickly and easily. With Monese customers can open a free account with no credit checks; top up in cash, […]
Forthglade partners with Medialab

Forthglade, the leading UK producer and seller of natural pet food, has appointed Medialab as its independent data marketing partner. Forthglade have experienced substantial growth across all channels throughout 2020 with significant success across key ecommerce platforms and Medialab will support them in continuing to drive customer acquisition as well as supporting longer term brand […]