Medialab COVID Tracker: September

Welcome back to the Medialab COVID-19 tracker. A lot has happened since our last update in July. In that short period you might have signed-off from home-schooling, stay-cationed, eaten-out-to-help-out, supported a loved one though the cluster-shambles of A-level and GCSE results and paid constant attention to your hands, face, and space. Economically speaking, the tough […]

Medialab COVID Tracker | 12.05.20

The scale of upheaval has been huge. Almost 25% of the UK workforce is furloughed (HMRC), and it’s near impossible to even comprehend the scale and future implications this virus will have across all areas of life. We heard from the Government this weekend just gone, about easing of some of the lockdown restrictions, which […]

Medialab COVID Tracker | 23.04.20

If reports from last weekend’s papers are to be believed, we are now approaching the ‘Red, Amber, Green’ zone of the crisis. Still actively adjusting to the needs of Q2, but slightly more able to look ahead to Q3 and Q4. For many marketers, the adjustment in the short-term has been significant. A survey of […]

Medialab COVID Tracker | 08.04.20

The novelty of lockdown and self-isolation is a distant memory. Reality has bitten. The economy is forecast to shrink by 15% in Q2. Aircraft are grounded. Globally, cases have passed one million. On a human level, new behaviours are settling into habits. Communities and communal thinking are flourishing. Parents have home-schooled. Grandparents have Zoomed. We […]

Medialab COVID Tracker | 26.03.20

For the nation, this is an unprecedented moment. None of us could have predicted the disruption. The working from home, schooling from home, the distancing and isolation from friends and loved ones. At times it can feel overwhelming. At Medialab we believe strong organisations will emerge stronger. And though it’s hard, investing now in relationships […]